Well, lets be honest, it starts off going well, then turns terribly wrong.
Well, I found this amazing wall/painting on an awesome instagram account the other day.
And before I share anything beyond that, let me tell you, it took 2 days - no joke, to prep myself for attempting the challenge.
I measured, I cut out squares, I measured more, then I just made a GIANT square, and folded it some, and well...here's what happened...
I used (in all) 3 rolls of green tape. Three. I assumed I'd use one, maybe one and a half. Nope 3.
So I measured. And had my squares just about perfect...or so I thought... And measured precisely to get what I thought would be the perfect Buffalo Check wall, anyone had ever seen!
And, after painting the first "section" I realized, this won't work. I knew it wouldn't work. And yet, what did I do? I kept going - why? because I'd spent HOURS taping that wall.
But... Like I said, I kept painting anyway. And, what you see below, is day 1 (of painting) day 3 of project. I could see MY WALL. It was coming to life! (you can see it right? just ignore that green tape).
So yes, pulled back the tape, and exactly as I suspected - TAPE Lines. See below - this is NOT what I planned. I didn't tape inside my squares -and long story short, I knew from the start, I would be working on this for eternity. So... I did what any rational person would do, I taped the wall AGAIN.
I would not give in to just painting the wall back to its original white/or grey and starting all over. (which would have saved me days and hours) .... No, I'm crazy like that, and thought, I've already screwed up once, what's painting a little more, and learning from my mistake.
BUT this time, I was well aware, I'd have MORE issues, because I'd have to paint 2-3 more times, to fix the problem. I was determined to make the wall right. And - the hardest way possible.
By the way, this is probably day 6 or 7, BUT that's because we had a weekend in the mix, and friends here and there to see/visit, = you know, Life happened.
So right when I think, I'm nearly done with the wall.... Shit hit the fan. I got a call that our house was being shown (Thank Goodness) The next day. Our house has been on the market, over a month and no one has called in a while - PANIC Mode set in Big Time.
So what was a girl to do? I was faced with, staying up ALL night to finish "my wall" - the wall I'd labored and slaved over - tediously painting for over a week...OR just sucking up defeat, and painting it white.
Well, I ultimately went for white. I had a friend who needed me, as her husband and mine were out of town for business...and spending countless hours on that wall, making it "perfect" just wasn't in the cards - with less than 24 hours away from a showing. SO...see below.
Bathroom looks good- and clean... picture below, was the previous wall -Russian Navy ... I have to admit, I'm happy with the white wall (for now), but the idea of the buffalo check wall, I so dreamed of being in my guest bathroom...its haunting me!
As my husband would say, I had apparently too much time on my hands for those two weeks this project stretched out.... Looks like its back to daydreaming and prowling instagram!
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