
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Here's to "New Beginnings"

I'm not sure if Anyone reads this, but it makes me feel better to post updates here and there.
SO, if you didn't see the small hint (#hashtag) on instagram a few weeks back- here goes -- we are - selling BOTH of our houses (Rockwood)- AND the other one I've been posting about recently (Brentwood) 
At the same time!!! 

 Insert Freaked-Out Face here!

Know anyone that wants a 2.5 acre yard with 5400 square feet?!?! 

It's not that I'm worried about where we'll move next, something will work itself out. That part I am certain. The right buyer here, (at the right time), and the right (new) home for us, (at the right time). I guess what I'm stressing over is -- I don't want to pack this one up, and NOT have anywhere to go (with 3 dogs) - just yet. 

Brian see's this as an adventure (hence my tag-line for this blog) but I see it as STRESS. I'll be the one home packing, organizing, and dealing with logistics, -dragging 3 dogs in and out when the house needs to be shown- basically stressing- all while yes, he's working and making money for our family. That's Stressful enough these days.  I guess I should say, it's all about prospective. 

Last night I had a dream about our old house - on Southwood. Why didn't we stay there? (I know why) but really? Why didn't we. It was a great home, and sufficient for our needs. This one, while its Amazing and all (I will miss my kitchen the most)- has taught us, we don't 'need' anything... and I appreciate the lessons we've learned here. While not all fun, I still appreciate them... which gets me to my next point - of Why am I stressing?  

Over the weekend I read about "new beginnings" - Sure it's the start of a new year, and yes, the scriptures were from Genesis - BUT I've been reminded of that scripture ever since I read it - you know how God does that - He 'reminds' you of what He's trying to make stick! Everything about this scripture, --this time of year --this point in life --we are all on the road to a 'new beginning' (IF we want to be)

Excerpt from my study: There’s something captivating about new beginnings. They arrive laden with hope and wrapped in promise, expectation strapped optimistically to their backs. The slate is clean. We hold our breath and look for the right words and best intentions to populate the page.....New beginnings are laden with hope, and they should be. But on what or whom do we place that hope?

In early December, we decided we were ready to close this chapter, (a tough interesting one) and move on. Other things had been leading up to this decision, but I'll save those for a late time. This chapter, in this home, is one I am certain, we are going to walk away thankful for -- our relationship evolved, our growth in the Lord was strengthened - and our appreciation for what we have vs. what we need was made clear. Very Clear! 
I think of the lessons we've learned by being IN this house, growing, struggling, fighting (ha), entertaining friends and family, and most importantly learning how to becoming a married couple -all of that -here! In this house.  Made me Not want to leave! 

Which is why my stress about moving, and packing, and starting fresh in a new house - made me realize I was leaving the place where we'd grown so much, and I didn't want to lose that... Sometimes it's hard to leave things behind (in my case a physical location). 

I blame this on the fact that my parents have been living in the same home since I was 2, and both parents -including both grandparents are from the same 5 mile radius of my parents home... and I am the kind of person - raised this way - to put down roots...and stay!
Plus not too many people (at our age) go from 2,000 sq feet, to over 5,000, and back down to 2,000 in a 2 year timeframe. (That is the stressful part, downsizing and selling things, and storing the rest)! 

So when I say I'm not ready, 'just yet'- it's because I feel like I'd be giving up on something, and leaving our growth place, our starting point for our marriage- and frankly, it's scary! 

So here's to a new year, and New Beginnings!  Whether I'm really ready or not, it's time. And God has been showing me that...I can't be scared of the future, because so many things are up in the air right now - I have to Trust, He's taking care of it! ALL OF IT!

And now for the reason you secretly read my blog (the photo updates) -A few pictures I haven't shared with you before- Our completed Man Cave, Office, and Pool!

This was the before: 

And one of my favorite rooms - My office - complete with wrapping closet! 

And Last but not least, if I've never shown this one before - you're in for a real treat! The old (indoor) swimming pool!

AND NOW: Converted Media Room 

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